UK Psychological Trauma Society
Providing a forum for
multi-disciplinary professionals
to share ideas and knowledge
relevant to the field of psychotrauma
Welcome to UKPTS

Aims of UKPTS

  • To provide a forum for multi-disciplinary professionals working in the field of psychotrauma to share ideas and knowledge relevant to their work in the field
  • To provide considered, and evidence based, comment on psychological trauma on behalf of the membership in order to aid those who might be affected by traumatic events
  • To provide a forum for health professionals that lead clinical traumatic stress services to meet and share best practice and informal peer supervision (this forum is called the UK Trauma Group; it is now a subgroup of the UKPTS)
  • To provide members with access to quality, affordable CPD events that will support the continuing development of best practice in the field of psychotraumatology
  • To promote practice, guidance and policy which has as its aim the alleviation of suffering as a result of psychological trauma through dissemination of evidence based prevention, early detection and treatment
  • To maintain a close relationship with the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies and other organisations with an interest in traumatic stress
Annual UKPTS Conference
20 & 21 April 2015, London

The UK Psychological Trauma Society (UKPTS) will be hosting the 7th Annual conference at the King's College London Strand Campus. We welcome you to take part in this event where we will be commemorating the 10th anniversary of 7/7 London Bombings and looking at the psychological impact of terrorism, hostage taking, FGM and other contemporary issues that society faces today. 

The UKPTS conference will bring together internationally renowned speakers, personal accounts, skills-based workshops and a panel discussion. The conference promises to be both interesting and informative and will of course allow attendees to network with other professionals working in this important field of study and practice. 

ESTSS Certificate in Psychotraumatology

From 2010 all UKPTS members are also full members of the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) which is the accrediting body for the Certificate in Psychotraumatology. Once you have received your ESTSS membership number and log in details you can register for the Certificate via the ESTSS website.

Traumatic Stress Management Guidance

The UKPTS has been working to produce evidence based best practice guidance for organisations whose staff are routinely exposed to traumatic events as a result of their work. This guidance is also endorsed by the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. The UKPTS consider that adopting the principles enshrined in the guidance document should become the 'norm' for trauma-exposed organisations and lead to improvements in the health, well-being and productivity of individuals working in highly challenging environments.

The Board Members

The United Kingdom Psychological Trauma Society was formed after intensive discussion in and between the UK Trauma Group (UKTG) and BICESTSS which it now replaces. The inaugural board was formed by 12 members of UKTG. Nominations for the board were agreed and sanctioned at the AGM at the 2nd Annual meeting, Edinburgh 23 February 2010. Current board members are:

Robin Bennett


Anne Douglas


Wendy Frappell-


Neil Greenberg


Sarah Heke


Deborah Lee


Mark McFetridge


Gill Moreton


Marianna Odysseos


Laura Toplis


Sarah Ward-Lilley


Naomi Wilson

Co-opted Members

Pamela Dix


Chris Freeman (Edinburgh)
(Co-opted, Ex-President)


Fred Piggott


Gavin Rees
