To provide a forum for multi-disciplinary professionals working in the field of psychotrauma to share ideas and knowledge relevant to their work in the field


The UKPTS is able to offer members the opportunity to post research related queries on the research area of the website.

Suitable postings might be:

  1. Requests for information from other UKPTS members related to traumatic stress research about scales to use in specific situations (e.g. “anyone know a suitable scale to use to measure changes in traumatic symptoms in veterans?”)
  2. Asking whether other members have experience in carrying research which is of interest to the enquiring member (e.g. “I am hoping to evaluate whether my new one session Trauma Focused - CBT intervention is effective for road traffic accident victims presenting to A&E. Has anyone carried out similar research?”).
  3. Another suitable use of the website is to post messages related to recruitment either asking for whether research posts related to traumatic stress are available or research groups posting positions they have available for those interested. Effectively the UKPTS research pages will act as a monitored research network. To request information be added to the website click here.

Research for Dissertation Request:

I am writing my University dissertation (BSc Acupuncture) on the application of acupuncture as an adjuvant therapy for treating trauma and trauma-associated imbalances including addiction.

Please can you get in touch if you have had direct experience of acupuncture in these contexts? Please note that I am referring to 'body' acupuncture here and not auricular.

I would also be willing to share my work if anyone is interested.

Many thanks for your help.

Liz Flood

PTSD Monthly Updates
The National Centre for PTSD publishes Monthly Updates which you can view here or subscribe directly to each month.

Please click here to read the February 2015 Issue

Please click here to subscribe to the PTSD Monthly Update or other products by the VA’s National Center for PTSD.

UKPTS website survey results March 2013 click here.